Hangzhou XINLAN Co., Ltd.

How to measure the slip rate of belt pulley C in a serpentine belt drive

        Meander Pulley Drivers are often used to drive front-end accessories of automobile engines.In the new technological innovation, the torque resistance of the accessory of the generator is getting higher and higher, and the belt drive always requires higher capacity.​​​Two tensioners are used to maintain minimum tension and ensure Power transmission And to minimize sliding: dry friction or hydraulic tensioner.Through the experimental device and the specific transmission error measurement method, the performance of the universal transmission is evaluated by determining the pulley slip of the two tension pulleys.
        The transmission error between the pulleys, pulley/belt slip is derived from the measurement of the rotation angle of the pulley.The results obtained show that: the use of the tensioner limits the belt pulley, Pulley The slip can be obtained by measuring the transmission error. The uneven characteristic of the belt is the cause of the low-frequency modulation of the transmission error.

        Multi-rib (snake-shaped) belt drive is often used to transmit power in industrial machinery.Another application area involves the front-end accessory drive of automobile engines, which recently required better performance in order to develop new technological innovations as a starter integrated in the transmission.The torque resistance of driven accessories is getting higher and higher, and design solutions must be found to prevent pulley belt slippage and belt fatigue.Due to the rope and rubber-based serpentine belt structure, long belt span and operating conditions (engine acyclic, fluctuating torque), the following phenomena occur during FEAD operation: longitudinal and transverse belt span vibration, pulley C belt slip.In these transmissions, two tensioners can be used to reduce vibration and ensure sufficient belt tension to transmit power and avoid slipping.They produce damping in different ways: one is called a dry friction tensioner, and the other uses a hydraulic damper.Both are equipped with springs (compression torsion).Many works have performed numerical analysis on the dynamics of serpentine belt drives, aiming to determine belt tension fluctuations, pulley rotation, and belt longitudinal and lateral vibrations.The pulley belt slip has been studied numerically and experimentally by Gerbert [9] on the V-belt under steady-state operating conditions.I have studied the synchronization transmission error Agricultural belt Drive [11,12] and gear transmission as in [6].The work presented here is an experimental analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the pulley belt slip based on the transmission error measurement in the case of multi-rib belt general transmission.A test bench has been designed in which Pulley The angle of rotation is determined from the optical encoder signal using a specific data acquisition system and process.