Hangzhou XINLAN Co., Ltd.

Five tips for choosing a garden tractor

1. The most important aspect of buying a used tractor is the condition.If you buy a second-hand tractor in the market and find one in good condition (preferably with as many attachments as possible), please buy it.

2. Look for popular brands in your area, so you can pick some spare parts with the same accessories.

3. Choose your horsepower carefully.Six horsepower is enough to power a small tractor, while a two-wheeler is half.

3. If you buy an old tractor and stay away from the automatic drive, the early tractors were not efficient and very complicated.

4. Make sure that the model you choose is a real garden tractor, not a lawn tractor designed for mowing.Most manufacturers produce both types.

5. Avoid using orphan brand tractors, but don't expect many dealers today to provide many parts for very old tractors.

Tractor parts: PTO shaft Agricultural chain